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Massage Therapy

Massage Services Boise, ID

The services we offer are extensive and can help alleviate a wide range of aches and pains, in addition to providing relief from stress and helping you feel more relaxed. If you aren’t certain what type of massage you would like, or which would help you alleviate your pain and achieve your goals, we can discuss it with you prior to your massage. Each of our therapeutic massages is customized to fit the needs of each of our clients.

Massage Options

We offer many different types of massage, including:

It’s true that occasional massages can enhance relaxation and wellbeing. However, the true benefit of massage is only achieved once the body has been exposed to multiple therapy sessions. Because of this, Pathway Massage offers an affordable membership plan, allowing you access to the ongoing benefits of massage. Aside from being reasonably priced, benefits of a membership include professional care, convenient location, coupons, guest passes, and even a family add-on package.

Please read through the following pages for a description of each massage and how they are able to help you achieve total body comfort and relaxation.